Help for pic/grep on SunOS 4.X.X

Nick Raphael RAPHAEL at
Sat May 25 00:32:29 AEST 1991

Date:     Fri, 24 May 91 09:52 U
MMDF-Warning:  Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL
Subject:  Help for pic/grep on SunOS 4.X.X
To:       INFO-UNIX at BRL.MIL
X-Original-To:  interbitgate%"INFO-UNIX at BRL.MIL", KX10LYC0


     I am a Sun SPARCstaion 1+, 2, IPC user, and do my document on the
machines by using -troff-.

     There is one problem which troubled me so much. That is:

     I CAN'T FIND THE ---pic---, ---grep---, etc. ON SUN OS 4.*.*

     In Sun OS 4.*.*, you can only find the troff/nroff, tbl, eqn, and some
macros for processing text. But Sun does not ship the tools for gerenating the
picture/graph which UNIX System V does.

     Without the -pic- -grep- help, it will be a very hard work for inserting
the picture in your document even the picture is a very simple graph.

     So if you know how to solve this problem or how to get the -pic- -grep-
tools, please let me know. Your kindly answer will be highly appreciated!!!


David Y.C. Lin            Bitnet: KX10LYC0 at TWNITRI1
                          Internet: KX10LYC0%TWNITRI1.Bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
                          TEL: 886-35-917336
                          FAX: 886-35-917503

--- Reply by RAPHAEL :

I believe you mean grap, not grep, and I'm not aware of
Sun ever providing pic.  AT&T's SVR4.X, which incorporates Sun's
Berkeley doctools, doesn't include pic either.

Nick Raphael
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