Can't log in right on console to accounts in CAPS.

Guy Harris guy at
Thu May 16 03:27:41 AEST 1991

>Under sysV, putting "stty -iuclc -olcuc -xcase" in your .profile

Or your ".login", if you use the C shell (some S5 systems include it;
S5R4 does, and I think S5R3.2 does, and vendors have added it to earlier

>will take care of things even if you logged in in uppercase accidentally.
>I trust SunOS has equivalents.

SunOS has equivalents; if you're running SunOS 4.x, putting "stty -iuclc
-olcuc -xcase" in your ".profile" or ".rlogin" will take care of things.

So will "stty -lcase", no matter *what* release you're running of SunOS;
it'll also work in S5 (in S5, and in SunOS 4.x, "-lcase" is a
more-convenient shorthand for "-iuclc -olcuc -xcase") and systems (such
as SunOS prior to 4.0) with V7/BSD-flavored "stty" commands.

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