Dell UNIX compatibility question

Thomas Roell roell at
Tue Mar 5 22:00:34 AEST 1991

>|     o you can allocate swap space using files.  And it works.  I allocaed
>|       8mb on the 3085 and another 8mb on the scsi.  No panics.
>|     o X only supports 640x480 for vga's.  But I was able to install tvtwm
>|       quite easily though.  Dell's releasing Roell's X386 soon, last time
>|       I heard.
>  I'm told this is coming by the end of February. Oops! Well, Dell has
>been more concerned with reliability than performance here, I think the
>X03 beta version supported 800x600 if you had a Paradise.

BTW, X386 runs very fine on SVR4. Only with the 8514 part are many big
problems. Also the shared libs work fine. Only Xview 2.0 causes some trouble,
but this will be fixed soon. But on Paradise you can only get 720x540 in
256 colors anyway.

- Thomas

E-Mail (domain):	 roell at
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