Need help with >>boot of DECStation 2100 (half solved)

AJ Casamento ajc at
Sun Jun 2 01:40:29 AEST 1991

	In article <1991May31.220607.22997 at>
	    dayhoff at writes:

	> I would still like to know how to see what's on the SCSI.

    It would seem that you lost your battery back-up. But, to your 
    question, here's a basic look at what you want to do:

	>> scsi pb

    This is the SCSI PROBE command (for the DS2100/DS3100 series PROMS)
    and will show you what is out on your SCSI bus. While it will not
    fix the problem of having two SCSI devices set to the same SCSI ID#
    it would have told you that you were not seeing all of the devices
    that you had connected.

    I don't know what version of console firmware you have (I think we 
    are up to v7.3 or so, but since I have a DS5000 :-) I'm not that
    certain of PROM level's on the older systems) but I remember that
    with PROMs below v6.1 (or thereabouts) you needed to do an init 
    before you booted when you had been running any of the tests in the
    firmware (some sort of weird state having been left by the tests).
    The command would be:

	>> init

    You would then see a reset that would respond with the KN01-AA as
    the processor, your console PROM version and your ethernet address.

    To see what has been set for a bootpath on your machine, you can

	>> printenv bootpath

    From your note I would gather that your's would respond with:

	>> bootpath=

    You could then do a:

	>> setenv bootpath= -f rz(0,N,0)vmunix -a

    Where N is the SCSI ID# of the drive you are attempting to boot from
    (the first 0 in the parentheses is the SCSI bus ID#, as we had plans
    for additional SCSI buses being available on later products, I don't
    remember what the final 0 is...senility is so hard to live with). The
    -a switch will bring you up in multi-user mode while leaving the file
    pointer at just vmunix will bring you up in single-user mode.

    The PROM code on the DS5000 series (Models 120,125 and 200) is, in 
    fact, different. It wasn't changed just for fun. We needed to open
    up the interface for Third Party Hardware vendors who wanted access
    to TURBOchannel. Your options there would be:

	>> cnfg

    This is the "configuration" command that will show you the system's
    configuration. It will report on options, both base system module and
    the configurable TURBOchannel slots, that it finds at the various
    TURBOchannel logical addresses. To see a detail on a particular option
    that is present you would do a:

   	>> cnfg N

    Where N is the number of the option that you are interested in (in the
    case of the base system SCSI bus on a DS5000/200 it would be:

	>> cnfg 5

    A logical boot sequence for your case might be:

	>> boot 5/rz4/vmunix -a

    This would boot the system off of your RRD40/RRD42 at SCSI ID#4 and
    bring the system up in multi-user mode. While a network boot would be:

	>> boot 6/mop

    To set your boot environment on any of the DS5000 series machines the
    command is:

	>> setenv boot=X/rzN/filesystem -a


	X 		is the TURBOchannel option you want to boot from.

	N 		is the SCSI ID# of the device you want to boot from.

	filesystem 	is the name (usually vmunix or genvmunix) that
	 		you want to point at.

	-a		is the multi-user mode switch.

    I know that it all seems a bit cryptic. That's on purpose, but slightly
    out of our control. Certain countries stipulate that if the console 
    code isn't supported in their native language, it can't be English. So,
    we take the vowels out of most of the commands as a means to comply.

    I didn't mean this to go into a just sort of happened.
    I hope that this helps.


      * AJ Casamento			"The question is not whether or    *
      * Digital's TRI/ADD Program	 not the opinions are mine; but    *
      * 100 Hamilton Ave. UCO1-B	 rather, which of my personalities *
      * Palo Alto, CA 94301-1616	 do they belong to?"		   *
      * 415.853.6744							   *
      * ajc at						   *

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